Fresno Bible Church's Marriage Policy
We believe that wedding ceremonies can be conducted anywhere and by anyone with the legal authority to officiate marriages, but only God, through the Church, can institute Christian marriages. It is, therefore, our conviction, desire, and goal to honor God in the marriages we perform by doing our best to ensure the establishment of Christian marriages (Matthew 19:4-6).

We define a Christian marriage to be between a man and a woman, and where both husband and wife center their lives on Jesus Christ and His teachings, and where both honor Christ by submitting to His way for their lives and for their marriage relationship
 (2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5:22-33).

We believe that marriage is a holy and sacred covenant between the couple (the husband and the wife) before God, so we will do our best to institute Christian marriages by requiring the following:

(1. Both the man and the woman will be committed Christians who greatly desire to honor Christ by living for Him in accordance with the Bible.

(2. The couple will demonstrate their commitment and desire by (a. regularly attending church services, (b. by being involved in the church's ministry, (c. by maintaining a daily devotional life with God, and (d. by walking a consistent Christian life before others.  The standard and measure of all Christian conduct will be the Word of God.

(3. The couple will attend all the sessions and complete all the assignments of Fresno Bible Church's six-to-eight-hour Pre-Marital Class. If the instructor recognizes the need for further work on an issue (or issues) that the couple has not yet resolved, the class may include additional sessions.

(4. The church leadership must be confident, to the best of their ability, that the marriage will be truly Christian in accordance with the Word of God.

The purpose of this policy is to return this local church fellowship to God's pure and holy design for marriage and for family relationships. We realize that this policy will exclude some from being married at Fresno Bible Church and by a pastor of this fellowship, but that is not our intention. Our intention is to please and honor God through the institution of Christian marriages and homes.